Insecure Looking for Success

  •  Hello, all. I'm Merri. I've been a writer since I was 11 or 12. Published since 2007 but that first book is no longer available. Self-published since 2013. I often feel like I'm not as good at writing and promotion as others I see around me. I'm still struggling to get national notice and gain readership. I need about 20 or more reviews on all my books. So far, only two of my books are published. I am hoping to have number 3 up and finalized in the next two weeks or less. 

     I am hoping this new site, Author Biz, can help all of us to bond as writers, authors and help to teach us all about promotion. I want to be helpful to others, too. I am nervous when it comes to getting out there. I keep thinking I will be rejected or someone will tell me to quit (hasn't happened in about 6 years). I'm told I'm very imaginative and creative. But those words have also been used as an insult to say no one will identify with my stories. Though, I think they are wrong.

     I will keep going. Will keep writing and publishing and reaching out to others. 


1 comment
  • Dawn R. Schuldenfrei
    Dawn R. Schuldenfrei You already know I like your writing I remember reading someone somewhere saying that you don't need to get the whole world to like your writing, that it's impossible to write in a way to please everyone. You just need a core group of genuine fans of...  more
    March 25, 2018 - 2 like this